Monday, February 16, 2015


Because of MICA, Station North or Hopkins                                      I agree with the article referring to the reason that Station North exist. MICA is one of the main reason that Station North is the way that it. MICA and Station North are the perfect combination  where artist come to create and get inspired so that they can thrive in the art world. Many businesses like Everyman and other things have already moved  out and in order to make progress at Station North, they must continue to move forward with the plans that they have for Station North. As I am reading the articles I become troublesome because they talk about expanding areas on 25th street. And I worry that the communities around and in Station North will not approve. I know that when building or reconstructing areas in the city they always cause some kind of controversy because someone is being pushed out in order to bring new people in. I question that tactics that are being use in order for these communities to  expand. The article also brings up that John Hopkins is looking to expand but, I think if John Hopkins expand it will eventually run into Eastern Ave and Canton area. I know that John Hopkins has already knocked down homes in order to develop luxury apartments. My questions for Ben Stone are 1. What did you mean when you made this statement, "There is also a border to particular district and something outside of the border." 2. Why is expansions so important when it comes to areas like Station North and John Hopkins. 3. If this expansions do happen where do you plan on building theses business, will they force people out of their communities or overlap with the communities.  

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Simply Gentrification

My thoughts on Gentrification   

 My thoughts on the issues of gentification are very complex because I see the positive and negative sides of gentification. The positive side is that a dying area will be resurrected from the grave. Also it could possibly bring more tourist and my money to an area. But, in order to reach such great heights for a community,someone or someones must pay the price. Which leads me to the negative side of gentification. Due to the on going issues of gentification people are being forced out of their homes just so that the city can turn a profit. I understand that a dying community may need help but, their are other ways without making them leave. At this time I do not have a side of where I stand on the issues of gentification because great things with ugly side effects will always come out of "trying" to help a dying community. For the project I was think that maybe when could explore the artists of Sation North and explore the inspiration for the art pieces and the quality of work produce by them.

work cited; google images,